Customer Testimonials


Simon and Roger at YVS helped me source this car and assisted me with queries I had on this model.

They have since uprated the exhaust and suspension, whilst giving the car a complete service. This is the second car YVS have done work on for me an I have no problems with recommending them to others. - Chris. [more details]

I had struggled to fine anyone that could give me good knowledge on the MR2 platform, let alone actually work on the car.

In June 2005 I got in touch with Simon and Roger. I was able to watch them work on the car and was very impressed with the quality of their workmanship and the vast knowledge they both had on the MR2 and the 3S GTE engine. - Mark [more details]


As a regular customer of YVS. This was originally a n/a MR2 and YVS have done a Turbo conversion on this car.

Since then it has had a MOTEC installed, water injection and uprated internals. -Steve [more details]


I'd just like to show my appreciation for YVS Performance.

The quality of work is immaculate and Simon kept me informed along the way but most of all he gave me his (very honest) opinion on my options.

. -Paul [more details]